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Friendica 2024.08 released

We are very happy to announce the availability of the new stable release of Friendica “Yellow Archangel” 2024.08. In addition to several improvements and new features, this release contains several fixes for security issues reported by apexrabbit, Devilx86 and ponlayookm – Thank you for the reports! We strongly recommend all Friendica admins to update their installations to this stable release.

The highlights of Friendica 2024.08 are

  • the usage of system resources and performance has been improved in various parts of Friendica,
  • added monitoring endpoints for e.g. Zabbix and Grafana,
  • added shortened display of links (default 30 characters, admins can define the length in the config file via the display_link_length)

Note that the minimal PHP version for Friendica was raised to PHP 7.4 with this release.

For details, please the CHANGELOG file in the repository.

What is Friendica

Friendica is a decentralised communications platform, you can use to host your own social media server that integrates with independent social networking platforms (like the Fediverse or Diaspora*) but also some commercial ones like Tumbler and BlueSky.

How to Update

Updating from old Friendica versions

If you are updating from an older version than the 2022.12 release, please first update your Friendica instance to that version as it contained some breaking changes.

Pre-Update Procedures

Ensure that the last backup of your Friendica installation was done recently.

Using Git

Updating from the git repositories should only involve a pull from the Friendica core repository and addons repository, regardless of the branch (stable or develop) you are using. Remember to update the dependencies with composer as well. So, assuming that you are on the stable branch, the commands to update your installation to the 2024.08 release would be
cd friendica
git pull
bin/composer.phar install --no-dev
cd addon
git pull
If you want to use a different branch than the stable one, you need to fetch and checkout the branch before your perform the git pull.

Pulling in the dependencies with composer will show some deprecation warning, we will be working on that in the upcoming release.

Using the Archive Files

Due to problems with the build pipeline we cannot provide archive files at the moment that contain all dependencies as usual. We will update this documents as soon as possible.

Do not use the archive files provided by github as they do not contain the dependencies.

Post Update Tasks

The database update should be applied automatically, but sometimes it gets stuck. If you encounter this, please initiate the DB update manually from the command line by running the script
bin/console dbstructure update
from the base of your Friendica installation. If the output contains any error message, please let us know using the channels mentioned below.

Please note, that some of the changes to the database structure will take some time to be applied, depending on the size of your Friendica database this update might run for days.

Known Issues

At the time of writing this, none

How to Contribute

If you want to contribute to the project, you don’t need to have coding experience. There are a number of tasks listed in the issue tracker with the label “Junior Jobs” we think are good for new contributors. But you are by no means limited to these – if you find a solution to a problem (even a new one) please make a pull request at github or let us know in the development forum.

Contribution to Friendica is also not limited to coding. Any contribution to the documentation, the translation or advertisement materials is welcome or reporting a problem. You don’t need to deal with Git(Hub) or Transifex if you don’t like to. Just get in touch with us and we will get the materials to the appropriate places.

Thanks everyone who helped making this release possible, and especially to all the new contributors to Friendica, and have fun!


Als Antwort auf Friendica News

Danke an alle Beteiligten.
Die "Zwenkauer Flaschenpost" ist auch wieder aktuell.
Morgen werden @Malte und ich noch mal das Kontaktproblem angehen.

Wo kann ich mehr über die neue Zabbix-Integration erfahren ? Das hört sich sehr interessant an.
@Zabbix Forum

Als Antwort auf Andreas vom Zwenkauer See

Ich habe meine klemmenden Kandidaten einfach entfolgt und wieder gefolgt. Problem gelöst.
Als Antwort auf Friendica News

dont forget to install php-intl (if you have not yet) before updating...

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