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Curly Spiral Galaxy M63
Credits: Sophie Paulin, Jens Unger, Jakob Sahner
#nature #space #astrophotography

Cometary Globules
Credits: Subaru Telescope, NAOJ, DSS, Robert Gendler
#nature #space #astrophotography

APOD from 2024-12-21

A Year in Sunsets

A year of sunsets near the solstices is captured in stacked panoramas from Cairo, Egypt. The sequence shows the Sun's seasonal journey and standstill at the solstices, marking winter's start in the north and summer in the south on December 21, 2024.

HD image at apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap241221.ht… #astronomy #planet #earth

A Year in Sunsets apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap241221.ht… #APOD

Jupiters Rings Revealed
Credits: NOAO, Cornell, et al., Galileo Project, #JPL, #NASA
#nature #space #astrophotography

The Long Night Moon apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap241220.ht… #APOD

Galaxy Cluster Gas Creates Hole in Microwave Background
Credits: ALMA, ESO, NAOJ, NRAO, Kitayama et al., #NASA, ESA, Hubble Space Telescope
#nature #space #astrophotography

Rover: #Perseverance

Earth date: 2022-04-06

Sol: 401

Camera: Navigation Camera - Left


Massive Star Forming Region DR21 in Infrared
Credits: ESTEC, ESA, #JPL, Caltech, #NASA
#nature #space #astrophotography

Messier 2 apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap241219.ht… #APOD

NGC 660: Polar Ring Galaxy apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap241218.ht… #APOD

The Red Rectangle
Credits: Anglo-Australian Telescope, Anglo-Australian TelescopeBoard
#nature #space #astrophotography

Name: KMT-2016-BLG-2364L b
A giant planet composed mainly of gas.
Distance from Earth: 21,004 light-years
Year discovered: 2020
Discovered by: KMTNet
Planet mass: 1,250 Earths


#space #exoplanets

Transit of Venus Stereogram
Credits: G. Schneider, Steward Obs., J. Pasachoff, Williams College, TRACE Project, #NASA
#nature #space #astrophotography

NGC 6960: The Witch's Broom Nebula
Credits: Martin Pugh, Heaven's Mirror Observatory
#nature #space #astrophotography

🌍✨ Discover the Fediverse Map!

Add yourself and see who’s nearby in the Fediverse. 🗺️ Simply choose a general location (like a park, lake, or station – never enter personal data/exact real location!) and connect with other fedinauts around the globe. 🤝 Let’s create a map of our Fediverse community! 🌐

All info here: fedikarte.de/en

Free, based on OpenStreetMap & Leaflet.js

Questions/Problems/Thanks? Admin: @wolfmond


Tau Herculid Meteors over Kitt Peak Telescopes
Credits: Jianwei Lyu, Steward Obs., U. Arizona
#nature #space #astrophotography

Near to the Heart Nebula apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap241217.ht… #APOD

[2024-12-15, 19:16] Dieses ist ein Ein-Mensch-Projekt. Ich versuche gerne zu helfen, wo ich kann, kann aber leider nicht jede Nachricht beantworten. Macht es einfach alles exakt nach Anleitung, die ihr auf fedikarte.de seht 😎

Aufgrund des erhöhten Aufkommens kann es vereinzelt zu Störungen im Bot kommen. Falls etwas nicht geklappt hat: einfach später nochmal probieren oder @wolfmond (Admin) fragen 😊👍

Viel Freude beim euch-eintragen wünscht

Die Karte fürs Fediversum.

The Shuttle Launches an Inflatable Antenna
Credits: Discover the cosmos!, STS-77 Crew, Space Shuttle Endeavor, #NASA
#nature #space #astrophotography

The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Telescope
Credits: SDSS Team, Fermilab Visual Media Services
#nature #space #astrophotography

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