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Bitte wieder einführen: Filmlängenangaben in Metern.

(Quelle: wienschauen.at/mariahilfer-str… )

Aubrac under the stars, which I shot at the Lake of the Monks, in the land of my ancestors byteseu.com/419682/ #Astrobiology #Astrophysics #Cosmology #PlanetaryScience #Space #SpaceExploration #SpaceTechnology

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EMEA/5542/02/Rev 5.1∗
Human Medicines Evaluation Division
👉 The linguistic review process of product information in the
centralised procedure – human
1. Introduction
A linguistic review of product information1 in all EU languages is performed after the adoption of CHMP


Bimervax is a vaccine for preventing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in people aged 16 years and older. It can be used as a booster in people who have previously received an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.

SH2-308 Dolphin Head Nebula, by Xin Feng and Miao Gong

SH2-308, or the Dolphin Head nebula, is at a low angle and can only be shot for five hours a day. This image comprises a total of 10 days of shooting and post-processing with PixInsight. The main body of the nebula and the background stellar wind are both prominent.


Antares Region, by Bence Tóth

This image shows the dust and gas formations around the star Antares. A telephoto lens was used to achieve the huge field of view but a five-panel mosaic – three panels RGB and two panels of H-alpha – was needed to show this huge region in one picture.


SNR G107.5-5.2, Unexpected Discovery (The Nereides Nebula in Cassiopeia), by Marcel Drechsler, Bray Falls, Yann Sainty, Nicolas Martino, Richard Galli

This photograph is the result of 3,559 frames, 260 hours of exposure time and telescopes on three continents. The team worked to explore and photograph a previously unknown gigantic supernova remnant in the centre of the constellation #Cassiopeia.


Tasman Gems, by Tom Rae

This photograph shows the rugged peaks of the Tasman valley reaching up to the impressive features of the southern hemisphere summer night sky. It includes the hydrogen clouds of the Gum nebula – the central red region – and various other regions of active star formation stretching throughout the fainter arms of the Milky Way.



3 August 2022 Rev.41
COVID-19 vaccines safety update
Key messages from the latest safety
product information of Nuvaxovid will be updated
severe allergic reaction and unusual or decreased
feeling in the skin as new side effects.
product information of Spikevax will be updated with
extensive swelling of the vaccinated limb
product information of Vaxzevria will be updated
with tinnitus and unusual or decreased feeling in the skin


Data hat dies geteilt.

Methane Lights of Jupiter, by Sophie Paulin and Tom Williams

This image shows a unique false-colour view of Jupiter in the CH4 methane band, with the Great Red Spot setting on the western limb. Through the use of visible and methane-band filters, the intricate upper cloud formations and storms are revealed.


High-tech Silhouette, by Tom Williams

This H-alpha image of the sun features the silhouette of the International Space Station transiting the eastern solar limb. Crossing the field of view in just 0.2 seconds, ISS transits of the sun are particularly rare from any one location on Earth. The sun was active and a prominence can be seen right next to the station’s transit location.


This document was first published on 14 July 2022; it was updated on 3 August 2022 to
add information about myocarditis and pericarditis with Nuvaxovid, and on 1 December
2023, 7 May 2024 and 9 August 2024 following the withdrawals of COVID-19 Vaccine
Valneva, Vaxzevria and Jcovden, respectively.

Echoes of the Past, by Bence Tóth and Péter Feltóti

This picture shows the galaxy NGC 5128 and its surrounding tidal wave system as well as a visualisation of the relativistic jet – powerful jets of radiation and particles travelling close to the speed of light.


Queenstown Aurora, by Larryn Rae

The aurora australis captured above the mountains in Queenstown, New Zealand. It is a 19-image panorama capturing all the fast-moving beams that lit up the sky in February 2023.


Coronal Chronograph, by Peter Ward

This image shows the solar corona at solar maximum and solar minimum. The lower half of the picture was taken in 2017 at close to solar minimum. The upper half was taken approaching solar maximum six years later.


"Sís laurië lassi taitë rie nin lingwa vandie
Ampalla váya htalia si lantarel danier
Hrívë tula helda ré úlassëa
I lassi lantarque lúmenna" 🎶 youtube.com/watch?v=_wlJBa7iKO…

#RingsOfPower #Tolkien #Music #Prime #Serie

Heute #uglies geschaut auf #netflix. Standart Streaming Film mit teilweise miesen Effekten (Hooverboard Szenen, Feuer).

Ob es weitere Teile geben wird? Ich denke nicht

Eine Volkspartei siecht dahin paz.de/artikel/eine-volksparte… Die Sozialdemokraten haben das Vertrauen ihrer Wähler verspielt. Hauptgrund für ihren Niedergang ist das beharrliche Festhalten an ideologischen Wunschbildern, die mit den Realitäten in deutschen Landen nichts mehr zu tun haben #news #press

North Carolina‘s Duke University oncologist Dr. Nicholas DeVito is warning that “every new patient” who now comes to his clinic is under 45 years old.

Dr. DeVito says he and his colleagues have experienced a complete demographic switch in recent years.

Based on what he’s seeing every day, talking to patients on the ground and analyzing the data, DeVito is now issuing a red alert to warn the public about the phenomenon.



Data hat dies geteilt.

Als Antwort auf spinneria

👇 👂

Liz Churchill

Absolutely terrifying.

“I’m one of 3 people that didn’t take the vaccine at this hospital…and you wouldn’t believe what I’ve seen…I don’t even use the washrooms here…I go home…”

Arab World Sees Crackdown on RT as Admission of Role Russian Media Plays 'Conveying Truth to People' sputnikglobe.com/20240914/arab… The State Department has leveled fresh accusations against RT, claiming the Russian broadcaster is linked to Russian intel and engaged in a global influence operation. Journalists from the Arab World told Sputnik about the real reasons for the

Rosatom schult in Niedersachsen deutsche Ingenieure – Proteste gegen "Abgesandte des Kremls" de.rt.com/inland/218358-rosato… Für Atomkraftgegner ist es ein rotes Tuch: Die Brennelementefabrik im niedersächsischen Lingen hat Rosatom-Ingenieure eingeladen und Maschinen zur Schulung der eigenen Kräfte bauen lassen. Mit dem Ziel, von den Russen im Atom-Bereich unabhängig zu werden. Die Aktivisten sehen darin aber

Urteil in Österreich: Corona-Übertragung ist fahrlässige Tötung de.rt.com/oesterreich/219147-u… Gibt es das demnächst auch bei Grippe, fragt man sich, wenn man von dem Urteil liest, das gerade in Klagenfurt verhängt wurde. Eine Verurteilung wegen fahrlässiger Tötung, obwohl es nicht einmal Zeugen gibt, dass sich die vermeintliche "Täterin" und das "Opfer" überhaupt begegnet sind. #news #press

I have a friend who is being harassed and threatened semi-anonymously via Facebook. She knows *who* it is, but Facebook and Police are characteristically being uselss.

I am kinda useless at this side of deanonymization, but does anyone have advice or resources for deanonymizing enough to get cops to move?

#infosec #batsignal

Als Antwort auf silverwizard

@silverwizard Facebook requires users to use their legal name, so you can report any account with pseudonym and they have a chance to be locked until the user submits a government ID and their display name will be changed to what’s written on it.

It won’t directly address the harassment but it might help with the identification part of the police process.

Lichter aus für Weihnachten, aber Ramadan erstrahlt? reitschuster.de/post/lichter-a… Während die berühmte Weihnachtsbeleuchtung am Ku’damm wegen Geldmangels ausfallen könnte, wird bereits über eine Ramadan-Beleuchtung nachgedacht. Woher die Gelder dafür kommen sollen, bleibt offen.
Der Beitrag Lichter aus für Weihnachten, aber Ramadan erstrahlt? erschien zuerst auf reitschuster.de. #news #press

Die chlorinduzierte Spannungsrisskorrosion danisch.de/blog/2024/09/14/die… Der Prüfbericht der Carolabrücke sah die Brücke angeblich schon vor 5 Jahren als gefährdet und nicht voll belastbar und womöglich stark angegriffen an. Hat die grünen Bauminister von Dresden aber wohl nicht so interessiert. Schade eigentlich, dass das erst nach der Sachsenwahl passiert ist, sonst wären die Grünen dort auch aus dem Landtag geflogen. #news #press

Chip-Maker Intel to Get Billions-Worth of US Grants for Secret Pentagon Program sputnikglobe.com/20240914/chip… The Biden administration has made slashing US reliance on Asia for production of cutting-edge microchips a key part of its economic agenda. It has pumped billions into domestic manufacturers like Intel while tightening restrictions on Chinese firms to hinder technological development in

Das 3satfestival ist wieder da - live und im TV
Das 3satfestival präsentiert wieder einmal zahlreiche Kabarett- & Comedy-Auftritte von Abdelkarim bis Jan Philipp Zymny. Von 13.9. bis 21.9. live auf dem Lerchenberg und von 20.9. bis 29.9. im 3sat-Programm und der Mediathek.
Logo Copyright 3sat


Venedig: Almodóvar bekommt seinen Goldenen Löwen


Barbara Schweizerhof

Mit der Löwen-Vergabe gingen am Samstag die 81. Filmfestspiele in Venedig zu Ende. Der Jury unter Isabelle Huppert gelang es, die richtigen Filme eines insgesamt eher enttäuschenden Wettbewerb hervorzuheben.


Zur Nacht gibt's von mir die B-Seite von "Never Trust a Klingon".
Ich hatte die Band in den 90ern im AJZ Neumünster live gesehen. Sie waren sehr freundlich, mit mir beim Abbauen noch etwas über die Musik und Film-Samples zu quatschen.

S.P.O.C.K - In Space No One Can Hear You Scream (1992)


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