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Is it just me, or is #Vivaldi impossible to navigate by keyboard? Anchor tags with a valid href are supposed to be natively accessible, but they only work for me if tabindex=0 is added. Form controls and buttons work as expected. @Vivaldi #accessibility #a11y I'm on MacOS, running 6.9.3447.54 (Stable channel) (arm64)
Als Antwort auf Den McHenry

Vivaldi differentiates between navigating between form objects and links. The idea is that you can quickly move into a form with TAB, while you use spatnav to move between links, which means you can go left, right, up and down. There are a lot more links than form objects on a page, so this is a lot more effective.

If you like using the keyboard in general, you also might want to try single key keyboard shortcuts.

Of course, given that this is Vivaldi, you can change all of this in the keyboard settings.

we're at this point now.

"Look at this from 70 years ago"

Without a timestamp or plausible source - worthless and we click away. Sorry, this is the online world now. Get used to it.

Looks eerie, doesn't it?

Nobody has a clue why it looks that way.

This is horror.

Before Event 1, N amount of ppl needed X, now M amount of ppl need Y. And we have now Event 2.

Please, turn on your rational faculties and look up
- absolute numbers
- other factors
- other hidden factors
- if it might be true or
- if it might be a red herring
- if both events are related or not

etc. etc.

#traveLink: it’s all about #travel, #art & #food. Der folgende Beitrag wurde aktualisiert oder ergänzt und mit #MastoFeed veröffentlicht:

Die Highlights einer Reise nach Marokko - Aït Benhaddou

In den frühen 1960er-Jahren erkannten Drehortsucher für den Film "Lawrence von Arabien" die Magie dieses aus Stampflehm gebauten Ksars. Seine Hauptrolle in dem Film - und seitdem in vielen

So now it converges to one guy, one protocol/app/mode of comms.

Which is the most idiotic thing ever regarding profiling and social graphs. m(

Watching Best Actor Predictions - For Your Consideration with Scott Mantz, Perri Nemiroff, and Jeff Sneider on YouTube.


Subscribe to the Perri Nemiroff channel for see future episodes. #Film #AwardsSeason

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