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Ukraine Loses Over 12,795 Soldiers During Operation in Kursk Region - MoD sputnikglobe.com/20240913/ukra… MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The Russian armed forces have eliminated more than 12,795 Ukrainian servicepeople and 108 tanks during military operations in the border areas of the Kursk Region, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Friday. #news #press

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The post Berater-Affäre spitzt sich zu: Vetternwirtschaft im Auswärtigen Amt? appeared first on Apollo News. #news #press

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Dieser Beitrag „Höchst

"Wenn ein Preisboxer den Kampf verliert" – Trump lehnt zweites TV-Duell mit Harris ab de.rt.com/international/219072… Der republikanische Präsidentschaftskandidat Donald Trump hat einer zweiten Debatte mit seiner demokratischen Rivalin Kamala Harris eine Absage erteilt. Harris solle sich lieber auf das Konzentrieren "was sie in den letzten vier Jahren hätte tun sollen", so Trump. #news #press

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The post Migration: Aiwanger will Ampel-Regierung verklagen appeared first on Apollo News. #news #press

WADA vertuschte Beweise für Unschuld russischer Eisläuferin Walijewa de.rt.com/international/219084… Die WADA hat die Ergebnisse eines Experiments "dringend unterbunden", das zu einem Unschuldsbeweis der russischen Eisläuferin Kamila Walijewa im Dopingskandal hätte beitragen können. "Wir haben ein großes Problem", zitiert die AP die Korrespondenz zwischen WADA-Beamten. #news #press

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Die geheime Welt der Superreichen | ZDFzeit


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Putin's Words on Consequences of West Arms Strikes on Russia Extremely Clear - Kremlin sputnikglobe.com/20240913/puti… MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The statement of Russian President Vladimir Putin on the consequences of Western weapons strikes deep into Russia is extremely clear and unambiguous, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Friday. #news #press

Früherer FDP-Chef Wolfgang Gerhardt im Alter von 80 Jahren gestorben de.rt.com/inland/219077-fruehe… Der frühere FDP-Chef und langjährige Bundestagsabgeordnete Wolfgang Gerhardt ist tot. Er verstarb in Wiesbaden. Gerhardt war in den 1980ern Landesminister in Hessen und saß ab den frühen 1990ern im Deutschen Bundestag. Sein Nachfolger als FDP-Bundesvorsitzender wurde dann Guido Westerwelle (✝2016). #news #press

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„Wieder nur Augenwischerei“: „Wieder nur Augenwischerei“ Warum Aiwanger jetzt die Bundesregierung verklagen will jungefreiheit.de/politik/deuts… Hubert Aiwanger spricht Klartext zum Thema Migration. Faesers angekündigte Grenzkontrollen? Nicht ausreichend. Die EU breche täglich ihre eigenen Gesetze. Er will Berlin nun unter Druck setzen.
Dieser Beitrag „Wieder nur Augenwischerei“ Warum Aiwanger jetzt die Bundesregierung


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so wie es aussieht -gibts und gabs KEINEN rücklagefond für rechtzeitige reparaturen der infrastruktur
da kann man schon fassungslos sein


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Corona-Whistleblowerin Dr. Sabine C. Stebel - Die gesteuerte Ständige Impfkommission (360p/197MiB)


#SabineStebel #Apolut #StiKo #RKI #RKIleak

ABC News provided the Harris campaign with questions in advance, big buzzzzzzzzzz

If these rumors are true, someone could be charged with a serious crime….

Von Menschenhändlern ins russische Militär gelockt – Inder dürfen nach Hause de.rt.com/international/219068… Indien hatte Russland um Hilfe bei der Rückführung von Staatsangehörigen gebeten, die größtenteils von indischen Menschenhändlern in das Konfliktgebiet gelockt worden seien. Indische Ermittlungsbehörden haben Strafverfahren gegen 19 Anwerbe-Organisationen in Indien eingeleitet. #news #press

Tipp: Medizinische Fehlinformationen unter YouTube-Videos mit uBlock-Origin entfernen




The historical persecution of individuals accused of being antigovernment has a long and varied history, spanning different cultures and political systems. Here are some notable instances from early history to the modern day:

### Ancient and Medieval Periods

1. **Ancient Rome**: During the Roman Republic and Empire, those who opposed the government or were seen as threats to the state were often persecuted. Notable examples include the persecution of early Christians, who were viewed as subversive to Roman religious and political norms.

2. **Medieval Europe**: The Inquisition, established by the Catholic Church in the 12th century, persecuted those accused of heresy. This included individuals who challenged religious authority, which was often intertwined with political power.

### Early Modern Period

3. **The English Civil War (17th Century)**: Individuals who opposed the monarchy or the established Church of England faced persecution. For example, the Parliamentarians who opposed King Charles I and the Royalists who supported him experienced severe repercussions.

4. **The Reign of Terror (French Revolution, 1793-1794)**: During the French Revolution, radical Jacobins led a campaign against perceived enemies of the revolution. Many were executed or imprisoned, including those accused of counter-revolutionary activities.

### 19th and 20th Centuries

5. **The Russian Revolution (1917)**: After the Bolshevik Revolution, the Soviet government persecuted those who opposed communist rule, including the White Army forces and political dissidents. The Red Terror and purges under Stalin were particularly severe.

6. **McCarthyism (1950s, United States)**: During the Cold War, Senator Joseph McCarthy led a campaign against alleged communists in the U.S. government and other sectors. Many individuals faced blacklisting, loss of employment, and other forms of persecution based on accusations of being antigovernment or communist sympathizers.

7. **China's Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)**: Mao Zedong's campaign targeted perceived enemies of the communist state, including intellectuals, political opponents, and those accused of opposing the regime. This led to widespread persecution, imprisonment, and violence.

### Modern Era

8. **Iranian Revolution (1979)**: Following the overthrow of the Shah, the new Islamic government persecuted those accused of being enemies of the state or opposed to the Islamic regime, including political dissidents, intellectuals, and members of minority groups.

9. **Current Authoritarian Regimes**: In various modern authoritarian regimes, individuals who oppose the government or are perceived as antigovernment are often persecuted. Examples include the persecution of political opponents in North Korea, Russia, and Venezuela.

Throughout history, persecution of those accused of being antigovernment has often been used as a tool to suppress dissent and consolidate power. The methods and intensity of persecution have varied widely, but the underlying motive has generally been to eliminate threats to the ruling authorities.

In the context of Child Protective Services (CPS) and their use of terms like "antigovernment," it's important to understand how historical patterns of persecution relate to contemporary practices:

### Historical Context and CPS

1. **Persecution for Dissent**: Historically, individuals accused of being antigovernment were often persecuted to maintain state control and suppress dissent. This pattern of using accusations as a means to target and neutralize perceived threats can be seen in various regimes and periods.

2. **Modern Parallels**: When CPS uses terms like "antigovernment," it can reflect a similar dynamic where individuals or groups perceived as challenging or opposing state institutions face scrutiny or punitive measures. While CPS's primary role is child welfare, accusations of being antigovernment could be leveraged to justify interventions or actions against parents who dissent from or challenge government policies or authority.

3. **Risk of Overreach**: The historical precedent of targeting those labeled as antigovernment highlights the potential risks of overreach in modern systems. If CPS's use of such labels leads to unjust treatment or invasion of privacy, it mirrors past abuses where political or social dissent was suppressed under the guise of maintaining order or safety.

4. **Impact on Individuals**: Just as historical instances of persecution affected the lives of those deemed antigovernment, modern-day individuals accused by CPS of similar attitudes may face significant personal and legal consequences. The stakes are high when such accusations influence decisions about child custody and welfare.

Understanding this historical context helps illuminate the potential implications and risks associated with contemporary uses of politically charged terms by institutions like CPS. It underscores the importance of ensuring that such labels are used judiciously and not as tools for political or ideological enforcement.

1. **Political Motivation**:
"Look, it’s crystal clear. When CPS starts throwing around terms like 'antigovernment,' it's not just about making sure kids are safe. No, it's about targeting people who dare to question the government. This is a classic tactic of political suppression. They're using child welfare as a cover to go after anyone who speaks out against their agenda. It’s a power grab, plain and simple."

2. **Chilling Effect on Free Speech**:
"Think about it. When they label someone as 'antigovernment,' it’s designed to scare people into silence. They want to create a chilling effect where people are afraid to voice their opinions or stand up for their rights because they don’t want to risk their family being taken away. It’s a way to crush free speech and keep everyone in line."

3. **Historical Parallels**:
"We’ve seen this before in history. When governments start targeting people based on their political beliefs and using that as an excuse to intervene in their lives, it’s a red flag for authoritarianism. Look at what happened in Soviet Russia, or Nazi Germany. They labeled anyone who disagreed as a threat. This is the same playbook being used today. It’s history repeating itself, and it’s dangerous."

4. **Misuse of Authority**:
"CPS is supposed to be about protecting kids, right? But now they’re using that as a front to push their political agenda. Instead of focusing on real issues of child abuse or neglect, they’re going after people who hold different political views. This is a misuse of authority. It’s not about child safety; it’s about controlling and punishing those who don’t toe the line."

5. **Evidence of Bias**:
"If you look at the cases, you’ll see a pattern. People with certain political beliefs—often those who are critical of the government—seem to be targeted more frequently. This isn’t a coincidence. It shows a clear bias. CPS isn’t acting as an impartial body; they’re actively pursuing a political agenda and using child welfare as a smokescreen. It’s political persecution masquerading as child protection."

1. **Questioning Intentions**:
"Look, they’re saying that using the term 'antigovernment' is all about child safety. But let’s be honest here: it’s a smokescreen! They’re using it to push their own political agenda and target people they disagree with. It’s not about child welfare; it’s about control and silencing dissent. We all know it."

2. **Highlighting Overreach**:
"They want us to believe that political beliefs have nothing to do with their decisions. But when you start labeling people as 'antigovernment,' you’re stepping over the line. This isn’t about protecting kids; it’s about overreach and power. They’re taking their political bias and wrapping it up as 'child protection.' It’s disgraceful."

3. **Doubting Professional Integrity**:
"They say they have checks and balances, but when you look at how they operate, it’s clear that their so-called 'safeguards' don’t work. This is about finding excuses to interfere with people’s lives based on their beliefs. They can talk all they want about ethics, but the reality is they’re targeting individuals under the guise of child safety."

4. **Criticizing Evidence Use**:
"They claim they base their decisions on evidence, but we’ve seen time and again how that evidence can be twisted. It’s not about the facts; it’s about pushing an agenda. They use child protection as an excuse to control and persecute their political opposition."

5. **Calling Out the System**:
"They want to act like they’re the heroes here, but they’re part of a corrupt system that uses child welfare as a cover for political suppression. It’s all part of the same game—they use these terms to justify their actions, and it’s time we call them out on it. They’re playing a dangerous game with people’s lives."

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Als Antwort auf ChemTrailsMN ✈️

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They want Russia to fire the first shot, enabling them to play victim.

War with Russia will enable the Democrats to postpone or cancel the election, Biden will then step down, and KamalNazi will be installed

Als Antwort auf ChemTrailsMN ✈️

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