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#NeuBeiNetflix: Film

** Der Junge im gestreiften Pyjama **

Drama, Historie, Kriegsfilm - 2008 - IMDb 7.7/10

vodspy.de/t/Der-Junge-im-gestr… vodspy.de/t/Der-Junge-im-gestr…

Kulturnationalismus: Deutschland schickt einen Film zu den #Oscars, der manchen nicht deutsch genug ist.

Von @kellerflo


#NeuBeiNetflix: Film

** Mr. Bean macht Ferien **

Komödie, Familie - 2007 - IMDb 6.4/10

vodspy.de/t/mr-bean-macht-feri… vodspy.de/t/mr-bean-macht-feri…

TV-Programm am Sonntag, 15.9.2024: Die Prime-Time-Sendungen heute - Welche Highlights haben ZDF, Pro Sieben, RTL und Co. heute im Programm? Die Sendungen im Free-TV um 20.15 Uhr in der Übersicht. sn-online.de/medien/tv-program…

Alle haben gestern Raab vs Halmich geguckt.

Alle? Nein, eine nicht ganz so kleine Germanin hat sich Ford vs Ferrari auf'm Balkon angeguckt.

Hatte ihn schon im Kino (dt. Version) gesehen und trotzdem hat er mich jetzt (Originalversion) wieder gepackt.

Christian Bale ist eh ein Ausnahmeschauspieler. Die wahre Story einfach mitreißend.

Kein Film, den man alle 10min anhält, um aufs Handy zu glotzen.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5)

#FordVsFerrari #MovieNight


Kate Winslet über „Die Fotografin“: „Lee Miller war nie mutlos"

Zeigen, was ist: Schauspiel-Star Kate Winslet über „Die Fotografin“ – ihr filmisches Porträt der Kriegsfotografin Lee Miller als Produzentin und in der Hauptrolle. Ab Donnerstag im Kino.


Distorted Shadows of the Moon’s Surface Created by an Annular Eclipse, by Ryan Imperio, overall winner in the Royal Observatory Greenwich’s annual competition for the 2024 astronomy photographer of the year byteseu.com/420060/ #Astrobiology #Astrophysics #Cosmology #PlanetaryScience #Space #SpaceExploration #SpaceTechnology

Ein #Hund vor der #Leinwand? Im Union-Filmtheater in #Bochum ist das keine Besonderheit. Es ist das einzige #Kino in #Deutschland, in dem Hunde im #Kinosaal erlaubt sind. Aber tut ein Kinobesuch den Vierbeinern überhaupt gut? Von Steve Przybilla: #kultur riffreporter.de/de/gesellschaf…

Find the Man in the Moon apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap240915.ht… #APOD

Hach wie schön einem guten alten Film zu sehen. Vor allem dann, wenn man sich danach bewusst wird, dass man diesen gar nicht zurück spulen muss 🤓

Heute neu: Start der 2. Staffel der Serie „Tulsa King“ bei Paramount+ #HeuteNeu #PlayByDay #TulsaKing

60 years ago, Disney Imagineers predict the future


@Friendica Support Hallo, seit ein paar Tagen kann ich mich nicht mehr über den Browser in squeet.me einloggen. Nach der Eingabe von Namen und Passwort erscheint eine weiße Seite. Hab verschiedene Browser mobil und am Desktop ausprobiert, Cache geleert, Firewall gecheckt. Bin ratlos. Über Mona-App komme ich problemlos rein. Ideen jemand?

hm, Film fragen, da kenne ich mich ja gar nicht aus.
#pastpuzzle 34
🟨🟥🟥🟥 (-5)
🟩🟩🟨🟥 (+12)
🟩🟩🟩🟩 (0)

3/4 🥉

Bitte wieder einführen: Filmlängenangaben in Metern.

(Quelle: wienschauen.at/mariahilfer-str… )

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EMEA/5542/02/Rev 5.1∗
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👉 The linguistic review process of product information in the
centralised procedure – human
1. Introduction
A linguistic review of product information1 in all EU languages is performed after the adoption of CHMP


Bimervax is a vaccine for preventing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in people aged 16 years and older. It can be used as a booster in people who have previously received an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.

SH2-308 Dolphin Head Nebula, by Xin Feng and Miao Gong

SH2-308, or the Dolphin Head nebula, is at a low angle and can only be shot for five hours a day. This image comprises a total of 10 days of shooting and post-processing with PixInsight. The main body of the nebula and the background stellar wind are both prominent.


Antares Region, by Bence Tóth

This image shows the dust and gas formations around the star Antares. A telephoto lens was used to achieve the huge field of view but a five-panel mosaic – three panels RGB and two panels of H-alpha – was needed to show this huge region in one picture.


SNR G107.5-5.2, Unexpected Discovery (The Nereides Nebula in Cassiopeia), by Marcel Drechsler, Bray Falls, Yann Sainty, Nicolas Martino, Richard Galli

This photograph is the result of 3,559 frames, 260 hours of exposure time and telescopes on three continents. The team worked to explore and photograph a previously unknown gigantic supernova remnant in the centre of the constellation #Cassiopeia.


Tasman Gems, by Tom Rae

This photograph shows the rugged peaks of the Tasman valley reaching up to the impressive features of the southern hemisphere summer night sky. It includes the hydrogen clouds of the Gum nebula – the central red region – and various other regions of active star formation stretching throughout the fainter arms of the Milky Way.



3 August 2022 Rev.41
COVID-19 vaccines safety update
Key messages from the latest safety
product information of Nuvaxovid will be updated
severe allergic reaction and unusual or decreased
feeling in the skin as new side effects.
product information of Spikevax will be updated with
extensive swelling of the vaccinated limb
product information of Vaxzevria will be updated
with tinnitus and unusual or decreased feeling in the skin


Data hat dies geteilt.

Methane Lights of Jupiter, by Sophie Paulin and Tom Williams

This image shows a unique false-colour view of Jupiter in the CH4 methane band, with the Great Red Spot setting on the western limb. Through the use of visible and methane-band filters, the intricate upper cloud formations and storms are revealed.


High-tech Silhouette, by Tom Williams

This H-alpha image of the sun features the silhouette of the International Space Station transiting the eastern solar limb. Crossing the field of view in just 0.2 seconds, ISS transits of the sun are particularly rare from any one location on Earth. The sun was active and a prominence can be seen right next to the station’s transit location.


This document was first published on 14 July 2022; it was updated on 3 August 2022 to
add information about myocarditis and pericarditis with Nuvaxovid, and on 1 December
2023, 7 May 2024 and 9 August 2024 following the withdrawals of COVID-19 Vaccine
Valneva, Vaxzevria and Jcovden, respectively.

Echoes of the Past, by Bence Tóth and Péter Feltóti

This picture shows the galaxy NGC 5128 and its surrounding tidal wave system as well as a visualisation of the relativistic jet – powerful jets of radiation and particles travelling close to the speed of light.


Queenstown Aurora, by Larryn Rae

The aurora australis captured above the mountains in Queenstown, New Zealand. It is a 19-image panorama capturing all the fast-moving beams that lit up the sky in February 2023.


Coronal Chronograph, by Peter Ward

This image shows the solar corona at solar maximum and solar minimum. The lower half of the picture was taken in 2017 at close to solar minimum. The upper half was taken approaching solar maximum six years later.


"Sís laurië lassi taitë rie nin lingwa vandie
Ampalla váya htalia si lantarel danier
Hrívë tula helda ré úlassëa
I lassi lantarque lúmenna" 🎶 youtube.com/watch?v=_wlJBa7iKO…

#RingsOfPower #Tolkien #Music #Prime #Serie

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