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"WUMMS für digitale Abhängigkeit und Erpressbarkeit" – Bundesregierung hat versagt de.rt.com/inland/230931-wumms-… Deutschland droht zu einer digitalen Kolonie der USA zu werden, ist die Befürchtung der Gesellschaft für Informatik. Die Digitalpolitik der Bundesregierung habe die Abhängigkeit noch vergrößert. Dabei versprach der Koalitionsvertrag die Stärkung der digitalen Souveränität. #news #press

I’ve tested Sora (OpenAI’s AI video generator) extensively and have decided not to use it for my animations, opting instead to draw them manually on my iPad. While Sora has some great features, like storyboarding and remixing, it still places too many limits on my imagination.

If you’re looking for AI-generated videos of scantily-clothed women, you can follow @FranciscoScaramanga . In the meantime, here is a video of some ladies I generated with Sora:

15 Facts About The Growth Of Crime In The US That Will Blow Your Mind zerohedge.com/political/15-fac…

Defiant Houthis Stage Million-Strong Rallies Across Yemen in Wake of Israeli Strikes - Photos, Video sputnikglobe.com/20241227/defi… As many as 100 Israeli jets attacked Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen on Thursday, targeting military and civilian infrastructure, including Sanaa’s international airport, and nearly killing members of a top-level WHO delegation. The IDF has stepped

RT startet 24-Stunden-Sendebetrieb in serbischer Sprache de.rt.com/europa/230996-rt-sta… Die RT-Familie ist seit Freitag um einen vollwertigen TV-Sender reicher: Pünktlich um 19 Uhr MEZ startete RT Balkan News seinen 24-Stunden-Sendebetrieb in serbischer Sprache. Das Programm ist online und über Satellit zu empfangen. #news #press

Powerful Explosions Caused by New Airstrikes Rock Yemeni Capital sputnikglobe.com/20241227/powe… A day earlier, the IDF launched its biggest strikes to date against targets across Yemen, including Sanaa International Airport and the al-Daylami airbase, as well as civilian infrastructure in Hodeidah province. #news #press

It would be so easy to distinguish LC from vax damage. The tissue stores immune memory which can be analyzed. Costs now around 3k$. Many Germans are paying it, despite having a very low wage.
That is NOT a lot if you caught it. You are fubar anyway, so why dont they all throw up the money and know then exactly what they have to do?

I really dont know what to think of this. They constitute a mass of several 100'000 patients. Prices would plummet bc laboratries would compete on services. Idgi.

Sensitiver Inhalt

Russia is in a good spot, courtesy of Trumps ego. If Trump enables piece talks, they can agree. If Trump continues, they can continue. If the following Prez escalates again, they can credibly continue in four years. I mean this should be obvious to everybody in the West. What I cant understand is how you can know these options and after all this still fight thidnoroxy war. The gorilla left the arena. It is over.

Self checkout machines are the devil.
But the clerk gave me my swallowed 60 cents without a word hahaha
I smell a rat when employees just behave like this is normal.

God I hate what the last decades of neo-liberal austerity did to the German railways.

I wish the collective anger among my fellow travellers right now would turn into a clear understanding that a well maintained and collectively funded infrastructure is a luxury worth voting for 😵‍💫

Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Woche her)
Als Antwort auf Malte Engeler

If you only now could tell me reliably which party will care for this....
Als Antwort auf Malte Engeler

But being the good Germans they are they will probably ask for more deportations and more Autobahn as a solution. Definitely more deportations.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Woche her)

Dude/Dudette's name Ben/Bernadette, thoughts on this video?


Als Antwort auf Sir JBoy

nit a ben but

1. The Graphic is misleading.
Insta+Youtube+Netflix make out the most of the data out there. 4K videos are GIANT.
2. The Deep web is mostly text which needs context to be meaningful.
3. It ignores chat systems. The video focuses on http
4. There are several networks besides tor, especially I2P and freenet, which is are more glowy-resistant bc it is enclosed. Others are dn42 and cjd-ns etc.
5. tor was an attack for regime changes by the state dept.

“The Chaos Computer Club supports the three hackers who explained in detail at 37C3 how the Polish rail vehicle manufacturer Newag had manipulated its trains in such a way that they could only be repaired in the company's own workshops. The manufacturer reacted to the publications with an attitude not seen since the 90s and sued the hackers under both criminal and civil law.

The CCC is calling for donations to cover the legal and other resulting costs incurred so far.”


Hab noch nen GeheimVZ-Invite, falls jemand mich gruscheln will! #38c3

Tea-Mobile hat funktioniert! So, so gut! ❤ #38c3

BREAKING: new internal memo leaked from Disney reveals that the working title for FROZEN II was set to be "Curious George Goes Rambo in Venezeula". The original draft for the movie had to be scrapped as Disney could not secure the rights to use the character.
Als Antwort auf Cumpy

BREAKING: new internal memo leaked from Disney insider reveals that they're a bunch of pedos.


Roland Häder hat dies geteilt.

Aber *wie* kriege ich jetzt guten Süßkram geschenkt? #38c3
Als Antwort auf ​Piko

@sandzwerg Voucher gibt es alle zwei Engelschichten (ist das immer noch so)?
Als Antwort auf Molly

@DerMolly @sandzwerg Öhm, keine Ahnung. Ich engele schon genug, aber wenn es noch Nachspeise gibt, ist die Schlange oft so lang, dass es mir zu anstrengend ist. Da ist auch niemand schuld dran, alle machen ihren jeweiligen Job sehr gut, das ist halt so.
Als Antwort auf ​Piko

@sandzwerg Kann ich verstehen. Trotzdem viel Erfolg bei der Jagd nach dem besten Süßkram des Congresses.
Als Antwort auf Sandzwerg

@sandzwerg Das klingt sehr gut, aber ich weiß nicht, ob ich es heute noch auf den Congress schaffe...
Als Antwort auf Sandzwerg

@sandzwerg Im Ernst: wenn ich da jetzt genauer drüber nachdenke, fällt mir auf, dass mein Ursprungstoot auf zwei Ebenen eher sozial gemeint war: Lustige Leute treffen, die vielleicht Süßkram über haben (hat funktioniert :>) und rausfinden, was andere Leute so für Süßkram mögen und evtl. neuen Süßkram kennenlernen (hat auch schon funktioniert :D – was aber nicht heißt, dass da nicht noch Platz wäre XD)

Wanna make your house smell like a Catholic church on epiphany? Look up myrrh on Amazon. They might just have it where you live. I just ordered 50g for 10 euros 😉
Als Antwort auf CapitalB

@CapitalB I'll tell you on Sunday, but to be honest, I wouldn't be very surprised if it was. I mean, the stuff isn't as uncommon as it was in the middle ages. My neighbor has a tree growing in his backyard. It's just that he doesn't want to scar it to start extracting the resin ;)

reelon is exposing himself. they may burn down the system faster than leftists
Als Antwort auf lpheathen

"for a fraction of the cost and be happy just to be here"

let them clean the toilets and pick the crops while they're at it..


Dvorak is correct in that batteries are late 1800s techniques, tweaked to its maximum. Like powerstations. The only new thing are photo voltaics, iirc from the 1930ies or 40ies. Almost all electricity is made by steam turbines.m with different fuels. Except in a few places like Switzerland and Norway. But hydro-electric is tweaked 1850s...

«Achtung Taschendiebe» und «main station»: In Bussen und Trams erklingen neue Durchsagen aargauerzeitung.ch/wirtschaft/…

Als Antwort auf DazzaNZ

@DazzaNZ I fear no driving education ever fixes the distance&dimension problem she has...

What if #MSM newspapers didn't paywall their articles, but instead paywalled their homepages?
Als Antwort auf Mark Gardner

@mjgardner @adam


Ironically Twatter, reddit and yt had RSS for a loooong time then boom, cut cord.

The joke is on them. I still have many bloggers in the reader/opml, some >15 years. There is a large group of readers armed with a very thin but large net of blogs who refuse to be siloed.

The problem is not on the supply side, the problem is that ppl are used to shiny things (compare the look and feel of Newpipe with Spotify).

New ASMR you guys should get used to youtu.be/iJZcjZD0fw0

Did a hackertour through the NDR studios in Hamburg, and saw the rehersal of a news piece about #38c3! :D
Als Antwort auf blinry

A gazillion monitors! Segment displays! Keyboards with a lot of buttons, spinners, lights and a joystick!

‘The law locks up the man or woman

Who steals a goose from off the common

But leaves the greater villain loose

Who steals the common from under the goose.’

Als Antwort auf CapitalB

The law demands that we atone
When we take things we do not own
But leaves the lords and ladies fine
Who take things that are yours and mine.

The poor and wretched don’t escape
If they conspire the law to break;
This must be so but they endure
Those who conspire to make the law.

The law locks up the man or woman
Who steals the goose from off the common
And geese will still a common lack
Till they go and steal it back


>Conclusion: The protective effect of COVID-19 immunization was observed up to one year after the first symptoms. After one year, the effect was reversed, showing an increased risk of death for those vaccinated. These results highlight the need for further research to elucidate the factors that contribute to these findings


Frontiers | Evaluation of post-COVID mortality risk in cases classified as severe acute respiratory syndrome in Brazil

>nothing kmof substance known yet
>them rääächtswingers are re-interpreting everything

Dear Media. If nothing is known you can't "re-interpret facts", bc there are none. m(

#Faktenfuchs: Wie Rechtsextreme die Tat von Magdeburg umdeuten | BR24

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