Roland Häder mag das.
Roland Häder mag das.
3 weeks with almost no white supremacy (strength training) made me realize how much I actually need it for my physical well being.
I hurt my back and laid of training for almost 3 weeks. Just this short time with no training was enough to make me feel lazy and unmotivated to do anything other than drinking coffee and scrolling on NAS and watching some Sopranos.
But it really took a toll on my mood. I almost got depressed. I realize4d this just now since I started training again and feel better
Excerpt from a message I just posted in a #diaspora team internal forum category. The context here is that I recently get pinged by slowness/load spikes on the diaspora* project web infrastructure (Discourse, Wiki, the project website, ...), and looking at the traffic logs makes me impressively angry.
In the last 60 days, the diaspora* web assets received 11.3 million requests. That equals to 2.19 req/s - which honestly isn't that much. I mean, it's more than your average personal blog, but nothing that my infrastructure shouldn't be able to handle.
However, here's what's grinding my fucking gears. Looking at the top user agent statistics, there are the leaders:
- 2.78 million requests - or 24.6% of all traffic - is coming from
Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; GPTBot/1.2; +
. - 1.69 million reuqests - 14.9% -
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonbot/0.1; +
- 0.49m req - 4.3% -
Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;
- 0.25m req - 2.2% -
Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; Amazonbot/0.1; + Chrome/119.0.6045.214 Safari/537.36
- 0.22m req - 2.2% -
meta-externalagent/1.1 (+
and the list goes on like this. Summing up the top UA groups, it looks like my server is doing 70% of all its work for these fucking LLM training bots that don't to anything except for crawling the fucking internet over and over again.
Oh, and of course, they don't just crawl a page once and then move on. Oh, no, they come back every 6 hours because lol why not. They also don't give a single flying fuck about robots.txt
, because why should they. And the best thing of all: they crawl the stupidest pages possible. Recently, both ChatGPT and Amazon were - at the same time - crawling the entire edit history of the wiki. And I mean that - they indexed every single diff on every page for every change ever made. Frequently with spikes of more than 10req/s. Of course, this made MediaWiki and my database server very unhappy, causing load spikes, and effective downtime/slowness for the human users.
If you try to rate-limit them, they'll just switch to other IPs all the time. If you try to block them by User Agent string, they'll just switch to a non-bot UA string (no, really). This is literally a DDoS on the entire internet.
Just for context, here's how sane bots behave - or, in this case, classic search engine bots:
- 16.6k requests - 0.14% -
Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
- 15,9k req - 0.14% -
Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; + Chrome/116.0.1938.76 Safari/537.36
Because those bots realize that there's no point in crawling the same stupid shit over and over again.
I am so tired.
mögen das
Roland Häder hat dies geteilt.
utopiArte mag das nicht.
for people who post stuff to the internet and who are concerned that their content will be used to train LLMs, I only have one suggestion: use platforms that allow you to distribute content non-publicly, and carefully pick who you share content with.
and thanks @Dennis Schubert
Roland Häder mag das.
Roland Häder mag das.
Schiffe versenken
Ansage! meint, dass die Ära der Flugzeugträger mit der russischen Oreschnik-Rakete ende, weil die Rakete mit Mach 10 angreife, deshalb nicht abzuwehren sei, eine so hohe kinetische Einschlagskraft hat, dass man sie eigentlich nicht mal mit Sprengstof…
Roland Häder mag das.
I am concerned at the water levels in our valley given that the initial forecast had it building and peaking on Monday.
My wife is not worried. She does not think it will get as high as last year.
- Listen to the woman. You don't know shit. (0 Stimmen)
- You're right. Trust your gut (0 Stimmen)
- Who gives a shit? You can't do anything about it. (0 Stimmen)
- Elon Musk is a fag. (0 Stimmen)
My course of action would be to build a make shift dam around the house or fill sand bags.
And call Lloyds to make insurance ;)
Roland Häder mag das.
Sein Satz mit X war wohl nix
War das noch die Weihnachtsansprache oder schon die Neujahrsansprache? Wer soll sich da noch auskennen ohne zu gugeln? Jedenfalls meinte unser Genosse Präsident Frank-Walter, dass wir wegen „der schwierigen Zeiten“ eine „handlungsfähige Regier…SPAET-Nachrichten
Roland Häder mag das.
When did circus clown-car fashions become the norm?
Their suits fit like sausage casings. Their shoes look like Granny's orthopedics.
Do they have ANY idea how fucking stupid they look?
Red-rubber noses and seltzer bottles will complete the look.
Roland Häder mag das.
Wait... the drunk slav in winter is a real thing?!
Brown fat activation mitigates alcohol-induced liver steatosis and injury in mice - PMC….
Brown fat activation mitigates alcohol-induced liver steatosis and injury in mice - PMC
Chronic alcohol consumption causes liver injury, inflammation, and fibrosis, thereby increasing morbidity and mortality. Paradoxically, modest drinking is believed to confer metabolic improvement, but the underlying mechanism remains elusive. Here,
Elektroautos ohne Lichterglanz
Für E-Autos war 2024 kein gutes Jahr. An den Absatzproblemen sind jedoch nicht die Autohersteller schuld, weil es angeblich keinen E-Volkswagen gibt – ein Weihnachtsmärchen.Helmut Becker (Tichys Einblick)
Amusing how the comms solution for radio to the plane towing vehicle is a super long cable with headphones attached 😅
Urgh the plane journey has totally popped my ears, I can barely hear anything.
Halp. Any tips beyond the obvious?
Day zero...
Phone broke
Ears blocked
Boarding pass lost
Palestine flag stolen by Zionists
Friends hugged
Mask required
Maté drunk
Beer drunk
Pizza eaten
Hamburg mooched
Roland Häder mag das.
BDS-Aktivisten können sich einen echten Israel-Boykott gar nicht leisten
Von A.J. Caschetta. Wenn College-Studenten, die zum Boykott aller Dinge aus Israel aufrufen, ihrer Rhetorik gerecht werden wollen, werden sie krank, hungrig und unterbeschäftigt enden./ Foto: Montage
Roland Häder mag das.
Ausgestoßene der Woche: Weihnachtsgrüße und schon wieder Musk
Manche scheuen sich, „Frohe Weihnachten“ zu wünschen, Politiker wollen wegen seiner Meinung gegen Elon Musk vorgehen, und in einem österreichischen Kindergarten darf man Frühsexualisierung nicht kritisieren./ Foto:
Roland Häder mag das.
Vielen lieben Dank an die großartigen Engelund Maschinist_innen, die das möglich gemacht haben. Wir freuen uns auf eure Rückmeldungen 💜 #38C3 #a11y #accessibility
Roland Häder mag das.
From Professor St Onge…
Looking at AI - will it cause prices to drop (deflation)?
Not sure about the "eggs for pennies" part - it isn't clear but maybe AI & robots will automate all the labor, distribution, etc. If you are a business you make $$, if you have assets, you do okay, if you are a worker you lose.
Will AI Cause Mass Deflation?
Forbes magazine warns AI will set off “The Great Deflation Bomb.”Peter St Onge (Profstonge Weekly)
As a Colorado resident - I see the same issue - not just in the passes but just getting around town. I had a rental car this summer for my road trip that needed sensor cleaning after a few days of driving. That was just from dead bugs - not snow or ice.
See also this story…
about deploying warning signs for a stopped truck. An autonomous vehicle can't do that & not getting an exemption from the rule in the US.
Regulators deny roadside warning exemption for autonomous trucks - FreightWaves
Safety and labor advocates won out over robotic trucking after the FMCSA rejected a request to replace traditional roadside warning devices with cab-mounted equipment.John Gallagher (FreightWaves)
Rechtsanwalt Fuellmich will aus der U-Haft als Direktkandidat bei der Bundestagswahl antreten - gegen
Der Wahlkreis 101 in Wuppertal (Wuppertal I) verspricht für die Bundestagswahl am 23. Februar 2025 eine interessante Konstellation von Direktkandidaten:Kurschatten (Journalistenwatch - Newswatch)
Roland Häder mag das.
soso der #opa der #deutschland sagt das #elonmusk schuld ist das die #regierung gestürzt ist in dem land...
als nächstes erzählt er #ufos wären da
Americans, Especially Republicans, Really Want Celebrities to Shut Up About Politics
Armies of celebrities were conscripted ahead of the November 4 election by both major parties.Sputnik International
Roland Häder mag das.
„Klimawandel-Überraschung: Sonne statt CO2 heizt die Erde auf“
Report24 behauptet, dass Science eine Studie veröffentlicht habe (leider hinter paywall), wonach die Klimaerwärmung nicht von CO2, sondern von der Sonne verursacht werde: Die absorbierte Sonnenstrahlung (ASR) stieg um 0,97 bis 1,10 Watt pro Quadratme…
Roland Häder mag das.
In case you missed it, the hackers who reverse-engineered DRM on Polish trains got sued by the train manufacturer…
…multiple times.
You can donate to their defense fund:…
Their original talk from last year…
My piece about the first lawsuit against them
Breaking "DRM" in Polish trains
We've all been there: the trains you're servicing for a customer suddenly brick themselves and the manufacturer claims that's because
Uses starlink, IMU and Sensor Functionality:
Drones utilize Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) alongside optical sensors to gather environmental data. The activation of these sensors can occur unexpectedly, as seen in recent incidents where deleting certain apps triggered sensor responses.
Took off my social media account all of them off my phone and look what happened.
Der Beitrag
Auf der Suche nach dem verloren geglaubten Bild
Paul Badde ist ein Freund der Bilder und ein Virtuose der bildhaften Sprache, er hat den „Iconic Turn“ unserer Kultur verstanden und verinnerlicht.Jutta Willand-Sellner (Tichys Einblick)
Roland Häder mag das.
Liebes Fediverse, 900!
Inzwischen seid ihr 900 Leute aus dem Fediverse auf der Karte. Sogar aus Australien sind welche dabei (grüßt mir die Wombats 🥰)
Auf der Karte findet ihr neuerdings auch Institutionen und Vereine, die sich auf die Karte angemeldet haben und natürlich ganz viele liebe Privatpersonen.
Auf die Fedikarte kann sich jede Person selbst eintragen 😎 Nehmt niemals eure exakten Adresse 🤫
Alle Infos zur Fedikarte findet ihr auf
Roland Häder mag das.
Sex-Tipps für Männer
Anschnallen! Jette von der Grünen Jugend gibt Dating Tipps für Männer-Feminist sein-Links sein-Kochen können- Abtreibung unterstützen-Männer kritisierenMeint ihr, ich soll es bei ihr probieren ?
Roland Häder mag das.
Roland Häder mag das.
Roland Häder mag das.
Sex-Tipps für Frauen
Noch schlimmer. Mit #Videopodcasts informieren wir junge Menschen, die erste eigene Erfahrungen in Paarbeziehungen sammeln, über das Thema Gewalt in der Partnerschaft. In Folge 3/4 geht es um sexualisierte
Roland Häder mag das.
Als Antwort auf Autumn • • •Autumn
Als Antwort auf CapitalB • • •CapitalB
Als Antwort auf Autumn • • •Autumn
Als Antwort auf CapitalB • • •CapitalB
Als Antwort auf Autumn • • •Autumn
Als Antwort auf CapitalB • • •so vive la difference