No, the USD started loosing value in 1913 with the creation of the FED.
Nixon was forced to take us off the gold standard in 1972 because the French wanted gold for all the USD's they had & that would of bankrupted Ft Knox.
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Als Antwort auf Geiger Capital • • •@CapitalB
1. the $usd became fiatmoney in 1971…
2. since then the fiatmoney $usd lost 98% of it's purchasing power (compared to gold)…
3. every fiatmoney eventually goes to zero…
buy gold, silver and bitcoin.
YE! this is fucking financial advice !
↯ Klaatu - Some Brave Apollo ↯
Als Antwort auf mario • • •No, the USD started loosing value in 1913 with the creation of the FED.
Nixon was forced to take us off the gold standard in 1972 because the French wanted gold for all the USD's they had & that would of bankrupted Ft Knox.
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