Als Antwort auf Twig

IDK about all that...
... but I noticed the name and instantly went here:

Volodymyr Z

Hmm, maybe Zelenskyy?

Related to this Z?…

I've long contended the simulation has issues with NAMES. Or is playing with us. Either way, I see it as a clue.

Als Antwort auf Twig

The German authorities believe that this act of sabotage was carried out by a group of Ukrainian divers, including Volodymyr Z. and his wife.

The suspects at the center of this investigation are not ordinary criminals. Volodymyr Z., along with two other Ukrainian nationals, is linked to a professional diving school in Ukraine, where he honed the skills that now allegedly tie him to this act of sabotage. His expertise in deep diving, wreck diving, and the use of rebreathers—

Als Antwort auf Twig

and the use of rebreathers—equipment often associated with military divers—suggests a level of sophistication in the operation that goes beyond the capabilities of amateur saboteurs.

The suspects have ties to a legitimate business—a diving school called "Scuba Family"—only adds to the intrigue. It raises questions about whether they were acting independently or under the direction of a state actor.

Als Antwort auf Twig

The involvement of Ukrainian nationals in this case also raises uncomfortable questions about the nature of state-sponsored sabotage. While there is no direct evidence linking the suspects to official Ukrainian military or intelligence agencies, their actions have significant political ramifications. If it emerges that senior figures in Kiev were involved in planning or executing this operation, it could lead to a diplomatic crisis between Ukraine and its Western allies.

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