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Ich weiß nicht ob es am Alkohol liegt aber im Film gibt es viel auf die Eier


wait... youtube still has "you meant this video ID" if you fuck around with the URL?!

I guess this dies in a few months.

die wollten vermutlich alle nciht dass man weiß dass die in diesem Film mitgespielt haben #SchleFaZ

Illustration of "Runaround" by Asimov, the second short in "I, Robot". I wanted to show the archaic robots the two workers have to ride to recover the robot Speedy on the surface of Mercury. Watercolor and markers.
#illustration #MastoArt #Watercolor #SciFi #Asimov #IRobot #Robots #Space

"Vor dem Film ist neu" 🤣 ich kann nicht mehr


As Things Are Escalating Very Quickly..

The ppl who say not THAT woman would say it for each.

For some unknown reason - but they don't hate women. It is maybe just that most women at THAT place should not be THAT woman. And men. But since there are less women than men in (s)elections, there are more women who should not become THAT woman.

Simple as that.

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Als Antwort auf CapitalB

Indeed 😂😂 Well, now uou know about my key fob situation. 😂😂

Every one of these morons got on a boat or a plane and came to Western nations with the same thought in their empty heads: "These people have endless money to provide for me."

Lady, if it's so bad, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Als Antwort auf Partisan Night Slut

god dammit

they can always ask for a flight ticket back

for free

no problem

Als Antwort auf Partisan Night Slut

The most remarkable thing about the migrants of the last decade is they have literally zero gratitude and zero humility.

Beverly Hills Cop: Axel Foley ist tatsächlich ein sehr unterhaltsamer Film. Fühlt man sich gleich 40 Jahre jünger!

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