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Heute neu: Staffel 3 von Heartstopper bei Netflix #Heartstopper #HeuteNeu #PlayByDay

How does something like this escape a black hole? byteseu.com/464815/ #Astrobiology #Astrophysics #Cosmology #PlanetaryScience #Space #SpaceExploration #SpaceTechnology

Als Antwort auf samjay ganges

@elftummy @CleverMoniker @catmanmancat>Hurricane Helene: Tennessee Resident Says Tennessee/ FEMA Sending Out Text Messages Telling Everyone Do Not Help Neighbors In Need

>Messages saying “We don't want you to donate stuff to other people. You need to just donate money and stuff to us and get your instructions from us and listen to us.”

>“They were like, do not donate your time.”

>“If you think you're gonna come here and bark orders at us, and then expect the people just to give you the money and us trust that you're gonna try to take care of us”

corbet report
self implicating new mrna 💉
👀 🧐


Als Antwort auf spinneria

They assassinate Shinzo Abe', in 2020 and now the globalist in charge in Japn is experimenting on his own people with this proven deadly self-amplifying vaccine. One trial used 16 people, all 16 died. Fkn weird shit that they still try to push it on the Japanese.

Data hat dies geteilt.

I can't decide whether it's hilarious or horrifying that OpenAI is endlessly consuming programmatically generated riddles from Riddle-O-Matic.


Billionaires likes Elon Musk are legally stealing our wealth and intellect.

Because the entire economic system is a closed, expanding system, the masses become poorer when billionaires like Musk grow their wealth faster using parasitic financial gimmicks.

#BasicIncome #billionaires #capitalism #ElonMusk #SpaceX #Tesla #UniversalHealthcare #wealth


Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Stunde her)

I’ve always thought Ender’s Game is a better movie than it gets credit for. I also read the book and felt the film is a perfectly fine adaptation. A major highlight though is the score by Steve Jablonsky.


#movies #cinemastodon #scifi

Found: A Planet Orbiting The Closest Single Star To Our Sun byteseu.com/464708/ #Astrobiology #Astrophysics #Cosmology #PlanetaryScience #Space #SpaceExploration #SpaceTechnology

In der emotionalen dritten Staffel von Heartstopper auf Netflix steht die Freundesgruppe vor dem Schulabschluss. Sarah Paulson hat muss auf Disney+ einer grauen Kreatur entkommen. Im Doku-Tipp der ARD geht es passend zum Tag der Deutschen Einheit um die Frage, warum Ost und West gesellschaftlich oft noch getrennt sind.

#Deutschland #DisneyPlus #Einheit #Feiertag #Heartstopper #HoldYourBreath #Netflix #Streamingtipps #TagDerDeutschenEinheit #WasLäuftHeute


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