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we're at this point now.

"Look at this from 70 years ago"

Without a timestamp or plausible source - worthless and we click away. Sorry, this is the online world now. Get used to it.

Looks eerie, doesn't it?

Nobody has a clue why it looks that way.

This is horror.

Before Event 1, N amount of ppl needed X, now M amount of ppl need Y. And we have now Event 2.

Please, turn on your rational faculties and look up
- absolute numbers
- other factors
- other hidden factors
- if it might be true or
- if it might be a red herring
- if both events are related or not

etc. etc.

#traveLink: it’s all about #travel, #art & #food. Der folgende Beitrag wurde aktualisiert oder ergänzt und mit #MastoFeed veröffentlicht:

Die Highlights einer Reise nach Marokko - Aït Benhaddou

In den frühen 1960er-Jahren erkannten Drehortsucher für den Film "Lawrence von Arabien" die Magie dieses aus Stampflehm gebauten Ksars. Seine Hauptrolle in dem Film - und seitdem in vielen

So now it converges to one guy, one protocol/app/mode of comms.

Which is the most idiotic thing ever regarding profiling and social graphs. m(

Watching Best Actor Predictions - For Your Consideration with Scott Mantz, Perri Nemiroff, and Jeff Sneider on YouTube.


Subscribe to the Perri Nemiroff channel for see future episodes. #Film #AwardsSeason

Watch the Best of MSNBC Prime: Week of Oct. 13

Posted into MSNBC YouTube Videos @msnbc-youtube-videos-msnbc

The NGC 7331 Group (The Deerlick Group) from the Buffalo Astronomical Association (BAA) Beaver Meadow Observatory on Monday 10/7/2024. More details in this blog post: astronomy716.blogspot.com/2024…
#space #astrophotography #astronomy

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