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The Apollo command and service module Endeavour as viewed in lunar orbit from the Apollo 15 lunar module during the Apollo 15 mission in August 1971. Courtesy of NASA. byteseu.com/493588/ #Astrobiology #Astrophysics #Cosmology #PlanetaryScience #Space #SpaceExploration #SpaceTechnology

Sadly, no view of #comet Tchuchinshan-ATLAS tonight. Clouds near the horizon were specifically right where the comet should appear. But why waste the camera? I took some long exposure photos above the Copper Cliff smelting plant, where #UrsaMajor sits. I also took a photo of the #Moon.

One of the photos shows the view where the comet should be. A small triangle of stars (serpens caput) points down toward the comet and its tail.

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