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Der Film ist nicht so schlecht. Der ganze völlig erklärungslose Wahn und Menschenhass der Putins und Ausmerzer, Anlass egal, bricht aus in einem Atomkrieg.
"The day after" von 83. Und ja, es sind die gleichen Hasstroglos immer noch.

Two comets will be visible in the night skies this month byteseu.com/495874/ #Astrobiology #Astrophysics #Cosmology #PlanetaryScience #Space #SpaceExploration #SpaceTechnology

belki şehre bir film gelir


Trailer ovviamente da non vedere se non si è vista la prima stagione. 😁


#Silo #AppleTV

any recommendations for a good astronomy book for a 12 year old young lady who was asking me about cosmology, dark matter and stuff? She also knows pi to about 50 digits, so perhaps a book that’s a bit more detailed.

Had a great time showing her the comet, Saturn and the moon last night with my scope, but I'm out of the loop as far as intro astronomy books.

#astronomy #stemeducation @Quenby @sundogplanets @erl @KrajciTom @futurebird

Public Warning.

If you EVER, and I do mean EVER see a QR code for anything... not just some things, ANYTHING.

Treat it as a scam, do not scan it, they can easily be covered up with malicious redirects to fake sites to steal your financial details. Direct you to malware sites to try and infect your device.

Treat them all the same... as toxic, potential harmful to your identity and security.

Never trust them... EVER!!!

If you 100% must use one, do what you should be doing at any (ATM) cash machine, check for devices that have been installed by crooks. See if you can peel the code off, not just at the area around the code, but the whole sign... look for anything unusual and if you have any doubts... even if it's 1% doubt... DON'T USE IT

This isn't scaremongering, scammers and thieves are out there every day, placing fake QR codes on signs all over the place. No where is safe from them. The way to win is not to play. Don;t buy into the enshitification of everything, don;t be told that you can ONLY do it one specific way (legally they have to offer more than one way to pay for a service).

Please boost and spread the word.


Als Antwort auf Anomnomnomaly

@Anomnomnomaly Contrary to what was claimed, this post is 98% scaremongering, discarding an entire technology because of *check notes* parking payment fraud, as depicted on the picture.

It is entirely possible to use QR codes safely with a minimum of care, especially when they aren't related to payment. No need for grand-standing statements or, goodness forbid, all caps.

Messier 90: A Notable Galaxy in Transition byteseu.com/495743/ #Astrobiology #Astrophysics #Cosmology #PlanetaryScience #Space #SpaceExploration #SpaceTechnology

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