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Damen Oberbekleidung 2025 | Disney Minnie Damen Shirt Dilara in Weiß | Damenmode Günstig Online Kaufen damenmode-quelle.de/Disney-Min…

Lügen. Zeug würde halt kurz vorher verkauft werden.

Dank Sonntagsverkäufen geht es dem Detailhandel «besser als erwartet» aargauerzeitung.ch/wirtschaft/…

>emertency shortwave
Lol. No stations left. What kind of advise is this?!

24 Things That You Will Desperately Need In A Post-Apocalyptic World zerohedge.com/personal-finance…

A younger sister of my grandma chose assisted death at 87. Bone cancer. She had it for a decade and the last months her immune system gave up. She organized everything, spoke with everybody she needed. Left three children (themselves above 60...) and my father said this is the best way to do the final thing in life.
I agree. But only for that.
Another still living grandma in another circle is a member of the org who does assisted deaths. At over 90, she wants to be autonomous until the end.

#OTD in 1758.

Halley's Comet is sighted by Johann Georg Palitzsch, confirming Edmund Halley's prediction of its passage. This was the first passage of a comet predicted ahead of time. The periodic nature of this comet had been deduced by its namesake Edmond Halley in 1705, but Halley had died before seeing if his prediction would come true.



#science #astronomy #comet

Diamond Dust Sky Eye apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap241225.ht… #APOD

Reminded that Americans don’t get 3 days off for christmas ✋😫🤚
Als Antwort auf MMS21

THREE? Socialist! Two are enough. And two at new year, to cure the hangover!

This is bullshit. Soul wrecking bullshit. Home is a castle. All European scaring traditions work OUTSIDE. You go somewhere and something happens. Over there. Away. To catch you. But you can return. Murricans fuck this all up and then they wonder why they are all fucked up.


Als Antwort auf CapitalB



#abenspaziergang machen am 24.12 ist immer am geilsten. die ganze stadt hell erleuchtet und die strassen alle leer
Als Antwort auf Eric-Oliver Mächler 💻

Ausgang am 24. mit vollen Bäuchen und vorgeglüht ausm Weinkeller. Meine Brüder und ich hatten diese Phase. Das waren die bizarrsten Erlebnisse. Gute Zeiten. Schlechte Kater...

APOD from 2024-12-25

Diamond Dust Sky Eye

A "giant eye" in the sky is caused by diamond dust—tiny ice crystals reflecting light into halos and arcs. A recent photo from the Czech Republic shows these phenomena, including #Moon dogs and light pillars, with #Jupiter and #Mars visible within a 22-degree halo.

HD image at apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap241225.ht… #astronomy

You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I’m telling you why:

Toxic masculinity forbids displays of emotion


Gehst du lieber ins Kino oder schaust du dir lieber zu Hause Filme an?

Gerne teilen, danke sehr! 🙏 💜

#NorikoFragt #FrageDesTages

Als Antwort auf sirplus

local fisherman interrupts usury and gets sentenced to death.


NFL heute live auf Netflix: Welche Teams spielen, wann geht es los? - Gute Nachrichten für Football-Fans an Weihnachten. Netflix überträgt zwei Spiele der NFL am Christmas Gameday 2024. Welche Teams dabei sind, wann es losgeht und ob die Übertragung auch in Deutschland möglich ist, erfahren Sie hier. sn-online.de/medien/nfl-heute-…

Als Antwort auf GNU/Linux.ch

Sieht ein wenig nach dem verzeifelten Versuch aus, die Benutzung des Terminals in die Zukunft zu retten ...

Frohe Weihnachten und einen schönen Guten Morgen!
Der Kurzfilm unter youtube.com/shorts/VYASsygfc1M präsentiert den herrlichen Sonnenaufgang am 1. Weihnachtsfeiertag 2024 in Forchheim.

Why sonic booms from the most powerful rocket ever built have some scientists worried byteseu.com/591534/ #Astrobiology #Astrophysics #Cosmology #PlanetaryScience #Space #SpaceExploration #SpaceTechnology

Name: K2-269 b
A potentially rocky world, larger than Earth.
Distance from Earth: 1,177 light-years
Year discovered: 2018
Discovered by: K2
Planet radius: 1.57 x Earth
Orbital period: 4.14 day(s)
Equilibrium temperature: 1429° K


#space #exoplanets

Fun Fact: Disney's The Black Hole takes place on Christmas Morning.


For those who celebrate, beneficiaries of physics, calculus, Astronomy, GPS navigation, etc. Anyone viewing this on a phone or computer.

Via mstdn @dgar

#Science #engineering #Physics #Astronomy #calculus #HalfHeartedFanatic

Together, Let’s Make 2025 the Year of Mars Exploration! – The Mars Society byteseu.com/591249/ #Astrobiology #Astrophysics #Cosmology #PlanetaryScience #Space #SpaceExploration #SpaceTechnology

Netflix reveals 'Cobra Kai' series finale date.
#Netflix #CobraKai #CobraKaiSeason6 #CobraKaiSeason6Part3 #KarateKidMovie

uspol / ⚧ / bleak

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uspol / trans genocide

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Als Antwort auf mcc

uspol / trans genocide

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Als Antwort auf mcc

uspol / trans genocide

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Observations detect young and energetic pulsar in a supernova remnant byteseu.com/590955/ #Astrobiology #Astrophysics #Cosmology #PlanetaryScience #Space #SpaceExploration #SpaceTechnology

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are expected to sign a revised Netflix contract.
#MeghanMarkle #PrinceHarry #Netflix #royalfamily #PoloOnNetflix

A perfect spirit does not exi.....

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