Today we are going crazy and cooking a big fat prime rib with the most unhealthy mashed potato's you can make. This is how I celebrate the new year!
Roland Häder mag das.
Roland Häder hat dies geteilt.
Remember: End of #38c3 does not mean there's no need to test yourself anymore!
Post-congress-sickness is a thing. Don't spread things like Covid-19, Influenza A/B or any other sickness for that matter. The event itself does that more than enough already. And if you are taking public transit back home, please wear masks!
Today I learned about Wikenigma, a compendium of so-called 'Known Unknowns', dedicated to documenting fundamental gaps in human knowledge.
teilten dies erneut
Researchers finally uncover how to play the 4,000-year-old Shahr-i Sokhta board game
In 1977, archaeologists excavating the Bronze Age cemetery of Shahr-i Sokhta in southeastern Iran unearthed an extraordinary relic: a 4,500-year-old board game buried in a richly adorned grave. This game, consisting of a board with 20 circular spaces formed by a carved snake design, 27 geometric pieces, and four dice
More info:…
Follow @archaeology
#archaeology #boardgames #bronzeage
In 1977, archaeologists at the Bronze Age cemetery of Shahr-i Sokhta, Iran, discovered a 4,500-year-old board game in a richly adorned graveDario Radley (Archaeology News Online Magazine)
A gentle soul on Twitter ages ago got me to change from making new years resolutions to making a bingo card of different things I wanted to try and do in the new year.
This massively improved my life. Instead of a big-stakes failbomb, I have a mix of big to small goals that let me incrementally work towards larger goals.
It's also great to see your progress throughout the year!
Also I give myself a little treat whenever I complete a new bingo, which rules.
FAA issues launch license for Blue Origin’s New Glenn rocket (Bytes Europe)
Hypolite Petovan mag das.
mögen das
Roland Häder hat dies geteilt.
Hallo! Herzlich willkommen auf meinem Kanal Thomas Schmidtkonz! :-) Ich freue mich über Deine Kommentare und Abonnement meines Kanals. Warum auch der Name Marathomy? Bereits am 04.08.2010 meldete ich mich unter meinem Spitznamen bei YouTube an.YouTube
Disney Damen Jeans Hellblau Grösse: S - XL Material: Baumwolle Style: Leger Länge: Lang Muster: Foto Jahreszeit: Frühling Sommer Herbst
#PPOD: This wonderful perspective is reminiscent of the iconic images of the planet Earth captured by the Apollo astronauts. Taken on June 19, 2020, as the crescent moon was about to occult the planet Venus. This is the winning photo in the "Our Moon" category in the 2021 Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition, taken by Nicolas Lefaudeux from Forges-les-Bains, Île-de-France, France. Credit: Nicolas Lefaudeux ( )
WORK IN PROGRESS !!! This eclipse was really an adventure. It brought us all the way up to Illinois in search of clear skies.HDR astrophotography by Nicolas Lefaudeux
The #MonkeyHeadNebula, #Sharpless 252, is an #emissionnebula located in the constellation #Orion, approximately 3,200 light-years away from Earth, is best observed during its annual culmination at astronomical midnight at the end of December.
detailed Information:…
▼ Vixen ED80sf | EOS M100(a) '21
#astrophoto #astrophotography #nightsky #space #sky #astronomy #telescope #clearsky #photography #nature #astrodon
The Monkey Head Nebula is an emission nebula located in the constellation Orion, approximately 3,200 light-years away from Earth, reaching its annual culminatioAstrophotography and Astronomy
Download I still don't care about cookies for Firefox. Community version of the popular extension "I don't care about cookies"
#Montag #Abend #ZDFneo #Inspector #Barnaby
#England #Landleben #Serie #Countryside #imho Gepflegter #englischer #Krimi (Humor) mit Frau, Kind i. allg. ohne #Katze aber mit #Mord
20:15 93. Der Tod geht ins Kino (Death And The Divas)
Staffel 15, Folge 4 (90 Min.)…
#InspectorBarnaby und #Sergeant #Jones
Die auf den Romanen der britischen Autorin Caroline Graham basierende Krimiserie spielt in der idyllischen Grafschaft Midsomer. Bis zum Ende der 13. …
A Deep Look Into the M78 Nebula
Messier 78 or M78, also known as NGC 2068, is a reflection nebula in the constellation Orion.
What's impressive about this nebula are the really dark dust lanes which seem to swirl in front of the reflection nebula itself. These dust lanes are dense clouds obscuring the light from the surrounding stars, creating a striking contrast against the blue glow of the nebula itself.
#astrodon #astronomy #astrophotography #space #science #photography
A Cold War mystery: Why did Jimmy Carter save the space shuttle? | Ars solves the mystery by going directly to a primary source—the president himself.https://arstechnica.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Sehr empfehlenswerter TV Tipp der Sendereihe "42" auf arte über die Bedrohung der Reichen für unsere Demokratie.…
#tvtipp #reichtum #politik #taxtherich #demokratie
Weltweit nimmt der Superreichtum immer gigantischere Ausmaße an. Ist es eine Gefahr für die Demokratie, wenn wenige Menschen um ein Vielfaches reicher sind als der Rest der Bevölkerung? "42" spricht darüber unter anderem mit der Rechtswissenschaftler…ARTE
Another interesting chart - nuclear generating capacity (planned and operational) by country.
China is vastly expanding its nuclear (and coal-fired) generating capacity. The US has substantial nuclear facilities but is not growing capacity. Germany is not shown, as they've shutdown their nuclear plants.
#MissingYou #HarlanCoben #Netflix
Once again this year there's a new Harlan Coben mystery thriller series on New Year's Day. Missing You - January 1st on Netflix.
MISSING YOU | Official Trailer | Netflix…
Completely unsurprising that Elon’s burner account post about loving “classical music” mentions Wagner first.…
#elon #elonmusk #tesla #spacex #nazi #nazis #neonazis #antifa #antifascism…
‘You Ungrateful Motherf—rs’: Elon Musk Slammed as a 'Loser' for Allegedly Using a Burner Account and Voice Disguiser to Rant About MAGA In Chatroom
fucking useless degrees !…
Attached: 1 video myron gaines fresh and fit "another useless degree, fantastic" "women in generell dominate the most useless jobs[..]professions[..]they get the most useless degrees" https://rumble.Mastodon
Roland Häder mag das.
Roland Häder hat dies geteilt.
Roland Häder mag das.
Roland Häder hat dies geteilt.
Guter Vorsatz: Die Erfolgspolitik der letzten Jahre wird
Roland Häder mag das.
Roland Häder hat dies geteilt.
Like mushrooms 🍄, these telescopes at our La Silla Observatory in #Chile are bathed in the dim light of the #sunset. To the left stands the veteran Danish 1.54-metre telescope. To the right, the three telescopes of the BlackGEM array hunt nightly for the visible glow of colliding neutron stars and black holes.
Find out more:…
📷 ESO/I. Saviane
A website dedicated to the fascinating world of mathematics and
Jess Rose
Als Antwort auf Jess Rose • • •I have been doing this for 5 years now and tend to break my goals into 5 goals for 5 categories and colour code them out.
This year these are:
- physical maintenance (fitness and meatbody upkeep)
- life admin
- professional goals
- learning goals
- self care things
I also go through the card once in the summer and swap out any goals that no longer work for me, because I can make any rules I want to and so can you.
Kathy Reid
Als Antwort auf Jess Rose • • •Full Metal Archaeopteryx
Als Antwort auf Jess Rose • • •@catsalad
Als Antwort auf Jess Rose • • •Geoff
Als Antwort auf Jess Rose • • •Glenn Fitzpatrick
Als Antwort auf Jess Rose • • •Dave Pimlott
Als Antwort auf Jess Rose • • •I have never been a massive resolution-maker. But this, this has something about it that might work for me.
Thank you (totally stealing it! :) )
Oliver Schafeld
Als Antwort auf Jess Rose • • •When in a few months from now someone on my train suddenly jumps up and yells "Bingo!" I'll hopefully remember they had "Commute 100 kilometers or more by train" on their card. ☺️
I should be off to buy some index cards...
Als Antwort auf Jess Rose • • •Scratchy
Als Antwort auf Jess Rose • • •This reminds me of the book, "The Artists' Way"
Bích-Mây Nguyễn
Als Antwort auf Jess Rose • • •Ann McNichol
Als Antwort auf Jess Rose • • •Lydia Schoch
Als Antwort auf Jess Rose • • •