This image shows a coronal mass ejection around the Sun as it blasts billions of particles millions of miles per hour into space. The image of the Sun was enlarged and superimposed.
This image shows a variety of loops and active regions. The lighter areas on the surface of the Sun are the active regions. SOHO / ESA & NASA
This image is from the Hubble Space Telescope and offers a glimpse of another kind of ring around Saturn, the pole-encircling rings of ultraviolet aurora.
J. Trauger, JPL, NASA
Sunset on Mars
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit captured this image of the Sun as it dips below the rim of the Gusev crater on Mars.
Mars Exploration Rover Mission, Cornell University, JPL, NASA
At Victoria Crater on Mars, the rover Opportunity examined samples of sedimentary rock.
Ohio State University / Cornell University / University of Arizona / JPL-Caltech / NASA
More than three billion years ago, Mercury was slammed by an asteroid or comet that created the Caloris Basin (the vast golden area). Volcanoes erupted at the crater's edges.
Science Magazine, AAS / Carnegie Institution of Washington / Arizona State University / Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory / NASA
The Galileo spacecraft captured this image of Jupiter's moon Europa. Visible are ice, cracks that run to the horizon and dark patches that most likely contain ice and dirt.
Galileo Project, JPL, NASA, reprocessed by Ted Stryk
In this image of Jupiter's moon Io, two sulfurous eruptions are visible.
Galileo Project, JPL, NASA
West of Jupiter's Great Red Spot is this turbulent region captured by the Galileo spacecraft. Galileo Project, NASA
This image is a closeup of the ice crust in the Conamara region of Jupiter's moon Europa.
PIRL / University of Arizona
CNSA Official release lunar suit (Bytes Europe)…
Der Bruch
Sahra Wagenknecht plant im Verborgenen und erschüttert ihre alte Partei.Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen
At last, a MastcamZ image captured in the direction of #Ingenuity, albeit one at half the max resolution (110mm) of the camera, 63mm.
And, lo and behold, the #MarsHelicopter IS VISIBLE!
From a distance of roughly 2km, it occupies 6 whole pixels in total! 😃
Processed MCZ_RIGHT, FL: 63mm
looking NE (43°) from RMC 60.0390
Sol 1282, LMST: 15:04:08
Credit: #NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/65dBnoise
#sketchTember 28 'Freuschrecke'
Die gemeine Freuschrecke kann in jeder Familie auftauchen. Man vermutet sie oft woanders als dort wo sie sich bemerkbar macht. 😱🤭
#Monatsmalerei #kleineKunstklasse
Hmm Soy in baby formula also plays a role.
Atrazine Changes the Sex of Frogs — And it’s in 63% of Americas Drinking Water
Question for everyone…
When you look at how feminine young men have become today compared to the last generation, is it plausible to say that this chemical has a lot to do with that?
Live Vortrag am 04.10.2024 um 20:00 Uhr @deutschesmuseum
Referent: Dr. Markus Mugrauer (AIU Jena)
Im Rahmen des Vortrags werden u. a. Exoplaneten und Braune Zwerge präsentiert, die der Referent in den letzten Jahren mit Teleskopen auf der Erde, wie z.B. mit dem Very Large Telescope (#VLT) der europäischen #Südsternwarte in #Chile aber auch mit #Weltraumteleskope|n entdecken und untersuchen konnte.
Video: Cryptomator - Daten sicher in der Cloud
Deine Daten werden bei den meisten Cloudanbietern unverschlüsselt abgespeichert. Damit hat der Anbieter jederzeit Zugriff auf deine privaten Inhalte. Mit Cryptomator kannst du dem ein Ende setzen.
Apple TV+ hat seine Filmstrategie angepasst und setzt nun verstärkt auf kostengünstigere Produktionen für den Streaming-Dienst. Nach einem Bericht von Bloomberg plant Apple, pro Jahr etwa ein Dutz…
#News #TV #Apple #AppleTV #Blockbuster #Filmstrategie #Hollywood #Kinoverffentlichungen #Netflix #Produktionskosten #Streaming #StreamingDienste
Apple TV+: Neue Filmstrategie orientiert sich an Netflix
Apple TV+ Filmstrategie: Ein Blick auf die kostengünstigere Produktionsstrategie von Apple TV+ für den Streaming-Dienst.Michael Reimann (Apfeltalk GmbH)
Watch The Legend of Vox Machina S1-2 Full Episodes | Prime Video
Teile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen WeltYouTube
In dem Paramount-Horrorfilm „Apartment 7A“ zieht eine Frau in ein Apartment, in dem es nicht mit rechten Dingen zugeht. In“Baghead“ auf WOW erbt eine Frau ein Pub, in dem eine mysteriöse Kreatur wohnt und in der ZDF-Serie „This is gonna be great“ sucht ein Niederländer sein Glück in Berlin.
#Amsterdam #Berlin #Horror #Niederlande #WasLäuftHeute…
Was läuft heute? | Apartment 7A, Baghead, This is gonna be great – Das perfekte Apartment? | – Das Podcast-Radio
In dem Horrorfilm "Apartment 7A" zieht eine Frau in ein Apartment, in dem es nicht mit rechten Dingen zugeht.Imke Zimmermann (
The Severity of the Linux Vulnerability: CVSS Score of 9.9
Stay up to date with the latest news on a critical Linux vulnerability. Learn about its severity, impact, and ongoing efforts to find a son (Penetration Testing)
The astronomer who was mocked at Cambridge.
The astronomer who was mocked at Cambridge. (Bytes Europe)
FAA administrator defends SpaceX licensing actions on safety grounds
FAA administrator defends SpaceX licensing actions on safety grounds (Bytes Europe)
The Internet of Bio-Nano Things (IoBNT) represents a transformative convergence of computer science, communication, nanotechnology, bioengineering, and medical science IEEE-ITU July 6, 2024…
The Internet of Bio-Nano Things (IoBNT) represents a transformative convergence of computer science, communication, nanotechnology, bioengineering, and medical science IEEE-ITU July 6, 2024 . Nanotechnology for biosensors: .
👂 👂 👂 🤔 👀
explaining the mulit-billion dollar manufacturing process that governments have deployed to make the nanotechnology that they are putting into human beings through vaccines and into our environment and food. Also explained is how our EMF protection products are made and how we do not put nanotechnology into our products because we do not have access to a multi-billion dollar DARPA lab in our backyard.…
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I wish vector search as a thing would die, or return to the back seat and let traditional indexing things have the first shot.
"oh but vector search is great because it clusters similar concepts!"
Yeah you know what concepts are similar? Different names, different model numbers for things, things that are related to _but different from_ what I searched for.
If I search for "morgan", a result for "morton" is a bad result. If I search for "atari ste", a result for the atari falcon is bad.
Hypolite Petovan mag das.
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Will Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) be the brightest of the year? (Bytes Europe)
University researchers flag cislunar space debris concerns
University researchers flag cislunar space debris concerns (Bytes Europe)
The Milky Way over rocks at Sellicks Beach, South Australia.
#milkyway #stars #astro #astrophotography #beach #sellicksbeach #southaustralia
Roland Häder mag das.
Roland Häder mag das.
Felix Berthold
Als Antwort auf GNU/ • • •How to Use AppImage in Linux [Complete Guide]
Abhishek Prakash (It's FOSS)pink
Als Antwort auf GNU/ • • •