What OS are you using on a daily basis?

#Windows #macos #Linux #Android #iOS #Chromeos #Computer #mobile #Vivaldi

  • Windows (36%, 3407 Stimmen)
  • MacOS (34%, 3264 Stimmen)
  • Linux (56%, 5323 Stimmen)
  • ChromeOS (1%, 175 Stimmen)
  • Android (39%, 3732 Stimmen)
  • iOS (29%, 2780 Stimmen)
  • Other (3%, 284 Stimmen)
9439 Stimmen, Abstimmung endet: 5 Monate her

teilten dies erneut

Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

This feels like it would work better as two separate polls, one for what OS is everyone's daily driver, and a second for what type of phone they have (Android/Apple/non-smartphone).

Yes, Linux has been my daily driver since 1995 (currently Debian), and yes the device in my pocket runs Android... but it's not a computer and I'd never try to use it as such nor do I ever even think of Android as being an "operating system", at least not in any traditional sense.

Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

FWIW jeg har kjørt nesten skremmende stabilt og lett på denne sia 2022 steinar.bang.priv.no/2022/07/3…

Det var (nestend skuffende) lett å installere i forhold til i gamle dager.

Og siden da har alt av hardware bare funket og jeg rebooter bare på kjerneoppgraderinger.

Jeg bare klapper den sammen og lar den sove til neste dag og åpner den og kjører videre.

Så det er iallefall mulig i dag.

Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

Linux on my desktop PC, MacOS on my laptop, Android on my phone.

I usually use Windows at work, but currently unemployed, so didn't select that.

I also didn't select FreeBSD, which I run on my server, because I don't dit down at my server, I didn't think about including it. But assuming that's a Vivaldi-related question, it's not relevant anyway, I don't run a browser on my server.

Unbekannter Ursprungsbeitrag

mastodon - Link zum Originalbeitrag

Jon S. von Tetzchner

@medina87 @maria

This is survey. I am not trying to make a point. I might make a point based on the results, but first I will await them.

It is so funny that you say this about desktop. I remember a time when I started making mobile browsers that people were claiming that people did not want to use the Internet on their phone. Now there are people claiming that people do not want to use computers anymore.

What has changed is that a lot of people are now online in this world that are online because of mobile solutions. In fact there are now more people online with phones than PCs. That does not mean that PCs are not important. There are billions using their PCs online. Our goal is to support users wherever they are in the best way possible.

Unbekannter Ursprungsbeitrag

mastodon - Link zum Originalbeitrag


and yes i am one of very, very few people on here that's not even close to being a computer nerd. so this is me answering "windows" to your redundant question.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (5 Monate her)
Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

Private: #linuxmint since many years. It just works.
At work: windows 10 and 11. All have to use the same and some have to write word documents like they are used to since 1993.
Mobile private: Android, just works and if it does not get updates I flash it with another.
Mobile work: iOS - can't believe how inconvenient iOS has become. Really really painful.

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