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What OS are you using on a daily basis?

#Windows #macos #Linux #Android #iOS #Chromeos #Computer #mobile #Vivaldi

  • Windows (36%, 3407 Stimmen)
  • MacOS (34%, 3264 Stimmen)
  • Linux (56%, 5323 Stimmen)
  • ChromeOS (1%, 175 Stimmen)
  • Android (39%, 3732 Stimmen)
  • iOS (29%, 2780 Stimmen)
  • Other (3%, 284 Stimmen)
9439 Stimmen, Abstimmung endet: 3 Monate her

teilten dies erneut

Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

Linux for desktop, Android on my phone
Technically the iPod Classic OS (2.0.1 PC format) too however that's really just to play MP3s and stuff.
Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

Linux debian, LMDE and Mint.
"Other" in my case are various #CustomROM
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Monate her)
Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

* Windows 7 (64 - desktop, 32 - nettop, 32 starter - netbook)
* Smartphone AuroraOS
* push-button phone KaiOS

+ now I'm learning HaikuOS in practice...
windows 7 is not eternal, and linux and win 11 are now fat and user-disgusting.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Monate her)
Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

really wish this market research disguised as a tweet would stay on X =(
Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

This probably the best example I've seen of how much Mastodon is in a bubble, in terms of variety of users on the platform.

Not saying it's a bad thing.

Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

Tell me this poll was held on Mastodon without telling me it was held on Mastodon lol
Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

this is such a mastodon nerd question.

in real life, noone uses linux. people buy themselves a computer from the closest reseller and try to work with what they bought. cheap.

Als Antwort auf 👀

Your point is? Everybody knows the global desktop market share. Also most people buy smartphones these days instead. Desktop isn't that important anymore.
Als Antwort auf medina87

@medina87 @maria

This is survey. I am not trying to make a point. I might make a point based on the results, but first I will await them.

It is so funny that you say this about desktop. I remember a time when I started making mobile browsers that people were claiming that people did not want to use the Internet on their phone. Now there are people claiming that people do not want to use computers anymore.

What has changed is that a lot of people are now online in this world that are online because of mobile solutions. In fact there are now more people online with phones than PCs. That does not mean that PCs are not important. There are billions using their PCs online. Our goal is to support users wherever they are in the best way possible.

Als Antwort auf 👀

and yes i am one of very, very few people on here that's not even close to being a computer nerd. so this is me answering "windows" to your redundant question.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Monate her)
Als Antwort auf 👀

@maria Other people may. I buy my kit direct with no OS - PCSpecialist and Novatech.
Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

sad to see android this high in the list. We are losing the desktop pc's. I believe the desktop pc is undervalued! And should return to more households. It's more powerful than a laptop or mobile. You can run Linux. And it's also more ergonomic than looking down all day. Hehe
Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

michelsoft binbows :D i know i mastodon like to shit on windows but for me its alright. win vista (for looks) win7 or 10 is probably my fav.
Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

Not sure if I should pick Linux because I technically do "use" it on my server that I ssh into every few days, but I'd never use it on my actual computer.
Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

✅ Android Open Source Project

(As opposed to the all-encompassing "Android".)

Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

laptop: linux. phone (#op6t): linux😍. postmarketos.org/
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Monate her)
Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

Windows right now, Linux sometimes. Depends on how much I'm sick of the other one.
Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

Windows 10 (against my will)
Fedora 40 (by necessity)
Android 11 (I would root if I could)
Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

But I'm an edge case as a SysEng overseeing about 100 ESXi hosts and hundreds of VMs around the world.
You forgot FreeBSD, the duct tape of the networking community.
Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

selection bias. Linux users are less than 5% of all users. but in this poll they are over 50%
Unbekannter Ursprungsbeitrag

mastodon - Link zum Originalbeitrag
Jon S. von Tetzchner


There is a reason why you are allowed to choose more than one. 😀

Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

Android phone, LMDE and ChromeOS PCs.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Monate her)
Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

This feels like it would work better as two separate polls, one for what OS is everyone's daily driver, and a second for what type of phone they have (Android/Apple/non-smartphone).

Yes, Linux has been my daily driver since 1995 (currently Debian), and yes the device in my pocket runs Android... but it's not a computer and I'd never try to use it as such nor do I ever even think of Android as being an "operating system", at least not in any traditional sense.

Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

Linux Mint Cinnamon on my laptop, Android on my phone. Forced to use Windows 11 🤮 at work. I even talked to IT but they said that we had a contract with M$, even if lots of us use Linux on our personal devices. They hate Win11 too.
Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

OpenBSD on the ‘real’ computer, iOS on the phone.
I am a retired college professor. Taught programming, databases, security, webdev, ...
Als Antwort auf Steinar Bang


Det er mulig. Posten er jo på Mastodon. Samtidig er dette kanskje en indikasjon at det skjer noe også.

Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

FWIW jeg har kjørt nesten skremmende stabilt og lett på denne sia 2022 steinar.bang.priv.no/2022/07/3…

Det var (nestend skuffende) lett å installere i forhold til i gamle dager.

Og siden da har alt av hardware bare funket og jeg rebooter bare på kjerneoppgraderinger.

Jeg bare klapper den sammen og lar den sove til neste dag og åpner den og kjører videre.

Så det er iallefall mulig i dag.

Als Antwort auf Steinar Bang


Nice. Det burde være enklere å erstatte Windows med Linux. Det er synd at en må inn i BIOS for å gjøre det. Tror det stopper en del. Linux kjører på mange maskiner som ikke kan kjøre nyere versjoner av Windows eller MacOS.

Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

Nth in an unending series of surveys proving that people who respond to Mastodon OS surveys are not representative of the user community.
Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

To the surprise of no one, a bunch of you weird Linux people are on Mastodon. I don’t bother with such things, after all Peppermint and Fedora serve my needs just fine.
Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

Oops, 202%. Still don’t get the use of percentages over 100, but it’s fun to have a form that goes up to eleven. Even when Linux users may be more eager to answer your question than others (I assume), almost a third of the respondents using Linux daily is impressive.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Monate her)
Als Antwort auf Matthijs Sluiter


The reason why the numbers do not add up to 100 is that you can specify more than one OS. Most will likely run 2, one for their computer and one for their mobile. Some mention that they run more than that. It is also interesting to see how many run things that are not listed.

Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

Linux on my desktop PC, MacOS on my laptop, Android on my phone.

I usually use Windows at work, but currently unemployed, so didn't select that.

I also didn't select FreeBSD, which I run on my server, because I don't dit down at my server, I didn't think about including it. But assuming that's a Vivaldi-related question, it's not relevant anyway, I don't run a browser on my server.

Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

I use Windows and Linux about equally as well as iOS. No Android for me unless Google is completely wiped from it.
Unbekannter Ursprungsbeitrag

mastodon - Link zum Originalbeitrag
Jon S. von Tetzchner


I am curious to see what the numbers will show.

Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

Linux (for general use) and Windows (for VR) on the desktop, Android on a phone, MacOS on a company laptop.

(Well, then there's Arch on a Steam Deck, Android on a Pico 4 and a Chromecast, and whatever PS5 uses).

Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

nixos on my old macbook, linux mint on my gaming computer, and iOS iPadOS for my phone/iPad
Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

what is a daily basis? On Pc Windows, all servers private and work do Linux.
Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

Algo ha fallado en esta encuesta. Prontamente la comprensión lectora de los que han contestado. Sí el 99% de la gente tiene un smartphone, el 40% es un android y el 26% un iPhone (suman un 86%). ¿Que tiene el resto en sus móviles?
Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

windows at work but WSL is always open.

Mostly 🐧at home but one windows machine for games

Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

In case somebody didn't know what unusual bubble this #Fediverse is. 😉

We're far from representative for any real-world population.

Don't get me wrong: I really do like this bubble of mine. 😍

Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

56.4% Linux users probably indicated a non-typical sample set. 🤯

As a U.S. based users, and a life long Mac person, I am stunned to see MacOS usage higher than IOS. .

Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

Phone: Android (LineageOS) 365 days /year,

Mostly passive: Linux as Server for bots and Cloud

Irregular, mostly for Streaming: Manjaro

At work: Windows 10

Als Antwort auf Jon S. von Tetzchner

Private: #linuxmint since many years. It just works.
At work: windows 10 and 11. All have to use the same and some have to write word documents like they are used to since 1993.
Mobile private: Android, just works and if it does not get updates I flash it with another.
Mobile work: iOS - can't believe how inconvenient iOS has become. Really really painful.

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