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With how much we can customise @Vivaldi, I would be curious to see how @jon himself customises his #Vivaldi browser.

I'm always curious to see how others manage their digital environments.

Als Antwort auf Marcus Anthony Cyganiak

I try to run Vivaldi as much as possible out of the box, but I do add a few things:

1. Single key keyboard shortcuts. I have to have them.
2. Enable mail, calendar and feed reader.
3. I do play with themes.
4. Add FF and RW to the address bar.

I have a number of workspaces and I use tab stacks extensively. I open related tabs in a stack by default.

Hmm. I guess I do change a few things. 😀

Als Antwort auf ℤ𝕪𝕟𝕚𝕜𝕦𝕤𝕄𝕒𝕩𝕚𝕞𝕦𝕤

FF goes to the "next page". It can be a number of things, but an example would be to go to the next page of search results.

RW goes back to the first page on a server. Then to the last page of the previous server, etc.

These allow you to go quicker through history. You can assign them to keyboard shortcuts and mouse gestures as well.

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